No joke:
Daily News: “Right now, how big is the debt?”
Weprin: (Pause) “Trillions.”
News: “But how many?”
Weprin: (Deer in headlights look.) “I got caught up on this once before,” referring to his inability while running unsuccessfully for city controller in 2009 to state that office’s budget.
News: “This is central to what is going on in Washington.”
Weprin: “About 4 trillion.”
News: “Four trillion is the debt?”
Weprin: “Right.”
This Weiner might be better than the one running to replace him |
Now I know Democrats are in denial about the debt and the danger it poses to the short, mid and long-term future of this country, but that's taking denial to a whole new level. So who is this guy really? You could have totally guessed it, but the NY Daily News reports this: "Weprin is a career politician who has been shoehorned into offices by party bosses in noncompetitive primaries and special elections through his entire career. He was picked for this race by Democratic kingpins of Brooklyn and Queens - even though he does not live in the district." Quite predictable in fact. And this guy will likely get elected in a heavily Democratic district despite the embarrassing episode above. Ironically, despite what will be I'm sure further embarrassments, he will 'stick it out.'
Study: 8 in 10 lawmakers lack education in economics. And it shows! Also via Carpe Diem:
78% of Congress Lacks An Econ/Business Degree
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