Selasa, 20 September 2011

About Time: Perry Slams Obama on Anti-Israel Policy; 'Arrogant' and 'Dangerous'

It's about time the GOP field to call out Obama on his anti-Israel policy: Perry Slams Obama on Israel Policy

More headlines over at drudge:
Related: Mother of 4 Terrorist Murderers Leads Procession For Palestinian Statehood
Latifa Abu Hmeid was chosen by the Palestinian government to deliver the petition for statehood to the United Nations offices in the West Bank. [Al-Ayyam, Sept. 9, 2011 - PMW]
Latifa Abu Hmeid, the mother of 4 terrorist murderers, led the procession for Palestinian statehood to the UN offices in the West Bank.
Palestinian Media Watch reported:
Read the whole thing...

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