Minggu, 18 September 2011

Audio of Howard Dean: Obama Signed Exec Order Mandating US Comply With Kyoto

Wouldn't this just be typical of Obama - once again unconstitutionally bypassing Congress. But then again, this is Howard Dean, a man who's elevator doesn't go up to the top:
Speaking during a panel put together by Cornel West and Tavis Smiley in New York City, former Vermont Governor Howard Dean talks about President Obama's record:

"Most people don’t know that. But the fact is I actually for the first time in July of 2009 read an entire presidential executive order, which is over 50 pages of legally gobbledygook which requires the government of the United States to comply with Kyoto. Luckily the Republicans never – I guess most of them can’t read that far anyway. And it’s an extraordinary thing."
UPDATE: More over at Story Balloon:
Dean goes on to say that Barack Obama is an internationalist president who has a spine and he thinks the president is on their, “wavelength.”
HOWARD DEAN: Despite his recent decision on the ozone pollution I think he had actually have quite a terrific environmental record. Most people don’t know that. But the fact is I actually for the first time in July of 2009 read an entire presidential executive order which is over 50 pages of legally gobbledygook which requires the government of the United States to comply with Kyoto. Luckily the Republicans never – I guess most of them can’t read that far anyway. And it’s an extraordinary thing.

I do think this is an internationalist president. There’s a important but not that huge of an advantage is the thing that he did was the START treaty. Now he did that because there were a number of Republicans who stood up and did the right thing which we haven’t seen for a long time in this country. [...]

HOWARD DEAN: He also was willing to fight for PELL grants in the budget stuff. So look this is a guy who does have spine he just so rarely shows it. And that’s what we need. And he knows this. People will always – as I said this morning,  people will vote someone who’s strong and wrong before they’ll vote someone weak and right. Barack Obama has the right instincts the problem is if he wants to survive politically he has to stand up for what he believes in and not take any crap from any of these plutocrats that Dr. West was talking about. All that stuff. Because if he does, guess what? He’s not going to win. To get independence in this country does not mean that you have to move to the right. To get independence you have to stand up for what you believe in. This is why they vote for people. We are values voters in American. All we want – what we want is a strong president. I think he’s on our wavelength we just need that strength.
Howard Dean was speaking during a panel put together by Cornel West and Tavis Smiley.

More at the link...

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