Rabu, 14 September 2011

Heh: Grosse Point Shores Residents To Vote On Leaving Wayne County To Move North Because Of Global Warming And To Escape High Taxes, But Mostly To Escape High Taxes

Just further proof that you can't tax your way to prosperity. You've probably heard the term voting with your feet," but that tends to apply to individuals. Cities and townships have a different way to fight high taxes:
Wayne County may as well be called Detroit County. That's the source of that big sucking sound you hear when looking over the budget.

UPDATE: More over at The Detroit Free Press: Grosse Pointe Shores to consider switching to Macomb County
In Grosse Pointe Shores, -- a city that straddles Wayne and Macomb counties -- officials will discuss this evening whether to pursue county boundary changes that will place the whole city in Macomb County.

Under a 1974 state law, cities located in two or more counties are allowed to pursue having their city in only one county.

City Councilman Dan Schulte, who proposed that the city consider changing, said it was about the benefit of lower taxes in Macomb County.

"That's the No. 1 issue -- money," Schulte said.

Residents could pay 3-4 mills less living in Macomb, he said.
Kurt Russell's next movie - "Escape From Detroit!"

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