People often ask me what advice I would give the White House about various things. Today I was mulling over election results from New York and Nevada while thinking about that very question. What should the White House do now? One word came to mind: Panic.It didn't sit too well with Bob Beckel, who calledCarville a "drunk:"
We are far past sending out talking points. Do not attempt to dumb it down. We cannot stand any more explanations. Have you talked to any Democratic senators lately? I have. It's pretty damn clear they are not happy campers.
This is what I would say to President Barack Obama: The time has come to demand a plan of action that requires a complete change from the direction you are headed.
More on Carville's comments from Don Surber, No Quarter, Outside the Beltway, Pajamas Media, Hot Air, American Thinker, The Other McCain and Datechguy
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