Jumat, 16 September 2011

Jay Leno is a liberal hack, grills Bachmann (but softballed Clinton, Obama)

Watching Jay Leno right now because Michele Bachmann is his guest. The first segment is over and he absolutely grilled her. No jokes, nothing funny. Just put her right on the spot and started hitting her with vaccine statistics, getting into smallpox vaccines (they don't even gives those any more because smallpox has been eradicated off the face of the planet). She kept getting back to crony capitalism which was the original issue but Leno would have none of it.

As soon as the break is over, Leno lays out the false notion that we would have defaulted if the debt ceiling were not raised. It's absolutely false. Then Leno got right into the false "pray the gay away" story regarding Bachmann, transitioned into a sanctimonious pro-gay marriage thread, including his stating that he doesn't know why they "shouldn't be allowed to be happy." Huh? The gay marriage issue isn't about gay marriage, but rather forcing We The People to recognize it as equal to marriage as defined by God. Good grief already!

One thing missing from the two Bachmann Leno segments? Humor. Why so serious, Jay? Jay Leno - another Obama joker.
Now, this would be no big deal, except that Leno interviewing Obama or Clinton is 180 from what I saw tonight. Absolutely diametrically opposed. Then again, what should I expect from someone that is married to a woman who is so attached to political correctness that she calls black people in Africa "African African-Americans."

UPDATE: Jay Leno insisted that the HPV vaccine prevents cancer.  That's a lie. It prevents, and from what I understand, one strain of HPV, and not 100%. There are other strains of HPV, and HPV sometimes causes cancer. Just stating that it 'prevents cancer' is wrong. If it prevented cancer, it would be a cancer vaccine.

UPDATE #2: Jay Leno Gives Bachmann 3rd Degree Over HPV Vaccine Issue
Presidential candidate Michele Bachmann appeared on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno and was met with a series of questions over her recent remarks about the HPV vaccination.

Here are four minutes that could have been spent talking about unemployment, the debt, and President Obama's failed leadership. 

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