Governor Deval Patrick did walk to a morning event on Beacon Hill — a stone’s throw from the Statehouse — but was quick to sheepishly admit that he probably hadn’t set the best example earlier in the day.Just like Al Gore flying around in private jets spewing hundreds of tons of CO2 that he himself claims is going to make the planet uninhabitable, sanctimonious ruling class buffoons like Patrick by their very actions don't believe their own bs. Because it is just that - bs. A video report:
“You got me!” grinned the Governor.
He’s talking about video shot by WBZ of Mr. Patrick leaving his Milton home this morning with his assigned state trooper at the wheel for the routine drive into work in his SUV.
...The Governor himself recently declared this “Car-Free Week,” urging people to ditch their autos in favor of public transportation, biking, walking, or at the very least carpooling — espousing the environmental and health benefits of that switch.
Just keep in mind who this guy is: Audio of MA Gov Deval Patrick: ‘It’s a Free Country. I Wish it Weren’t’. Patrick also gives out free cars to his constituents: Welfare Recipients Get Free Cars In Massachusetts
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