Minggu, 18 September 2011

NYC Idiot Mayor Michael Bloomberg: Americans Have A “Responsibility” To Make Obama Successful

So if a President gets in who is unqualified, was elected in large part to the media being so in love with him that they refused to vet him at all, finds himself in way over his head, then proceeds to shred the US Constitution,we have a responsibility to make sure he succeeds? I think not! Via Story Balloon:
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg tells MSNBC’s Al Sharpton that even if you didn’t vote for or agree with Barack Obama ”you also have a responsibility as an American to make him be successful because the country is not successful if the president is not successful.

Bloomberg goes on to apparently suggest that when Rush Limbaugh said he hoped Obama fails he was talking about the Mayor’s kids and grand kids.
Huh? The video:

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