Selasa, 20 September 2011

Video: Obama Budget Director Can’t Say How Plan Creates Jobs

That's because it's not meant to. Just red meat for his minions in what is nothing short of a political campaign stunt. In my post yesterday (Good Grief: Obama announces real tax hikes, phantom savings by not doing what we already weren't doing) there was this update:
Jack Lew today couldn’t say how an additional tax on millionaires and billionaires will create jobs — and barely confirmed that he thinks such a tax will at least contribute to deficit reduction. The director of the Office of Management and Budget appeared this morning on Fox News’ “Happening Now” to defend the president’s just-announced proposals to trim the deficit — proposals that are a part of his overall jobs plan. Fox’s Jenna Lee asked Lew how the tax will reduce the nation’s high rate of unemployment.

...Lee conceded fairness in the tax code is a laudable goal, but again pressed Lew as to how the tax will grow jobs. She wondered: Which of the president’s proposals specifically will improve the jobs situation? Lew didn’t have an answer.
Well, now the video is available:

Budget Director Jack Lew went on Fox News to extoll the virtues of President Obama's new tax hike proposal, but couldn't answer a very important, fundamental question: how will this create jobs?
Te Obama massive tax hike is so urgent - all his sycophants insist it must be passed 'this minute' - that the Democrat-controlled Senate is taking up the measure. Next month. After another Obama vacation. Via memeorandumObama's urgent jobs plan: Right now, ‘right now’ means sometime next month maybe
Everybody remembers the urgency of President Obama's attitude toward the awful jobs situation.

Back in early August, Obama said the jobs situation was so urgent that he was going to give another speech about it -- in a month or so, in September after his vacation on Martha's Vineyard.

And then in September the president announced he would give his major jobs speech to a joint session of Congress on Sept. 7. But he neglected to check with congressional leaders first. And they suggested the 8th. So, since it was their House, the 8th it was.

"Tonight," the president said in the first 34 of his 4,021 words to a national television audience that night, "we meet at an urgent time for our country. We continue to face an economic crisis that has left millions of our neighbors jobless, and a political crisis that has made things worse."

The speech got panned as another political campaign one with Obama announcing, in effect, that....

...since the first stimulus spending plan of $787 billion hadn't really worked, maybe another $447 billion stimulus spending plan would.

This is the kind of thinking that can make sense within Washington. But since "stimulus" has become a laugh line, he didn't use that word anymore.

And, hey, the debt ceiling had been raised to $16 trillion.

(Speaking of which the president spoke on the deficit this morning in another speech because he's a Real Good Talker.)

So why not spend a half-trillion more to look like he's doing something about the terrible jobs situation with 14+ million unemployed?
More from Hot Air, Don Surber, Weasel Zippers and Right Wing News. Plus: Durbin: No Obama Jobs Bill Vote Until October
Despite President Obama's urgent calls for his ojbs bill to be "passed right away," Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) acknowledges that the Democratic majority in the U.S. Senate will not bring the bill up for a vote until next month at the soonest.

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