Typical: Racial Quota Scandal at Obama Justice Department
Obama DoJ Head Eric Holder: Focusing on my obvious racism in Black Panther case demeans 'my people'
Confirmed: Department of Justice officials lied about Black Panther case
Good News: New Black Panther thugs head back to polls; Democrat panelist blocks Civil Rights Commission report
Top DOJ Voting Rights Official Testifies Before Congress, Calls Dismissal of Black Panther Case a 'Travesty of Justice'
U.S. Civil Rights Commission hearing erupts into shouting over Black Panther case
Dishonest: Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA) writes letter to AG Eric Holder demanding that he re-file "criminal" charges against the New Black Panthers to cover his a$$ after claiming to not know of the case and getting booed by constituents
Video of Bob Schieffer: I Didn't Ask Holder About Black Panther Case Because 'I Just Didn't Know About It'
Deputy Assistant Attorney General Julie Fernandes: ‘Never Bring Another Lawsuit Against a Black’
Video: Megyn Kelly (FoxNews) Destroys Kirsten Powers (D) On Black Panther Case
Video: Constituents erupt in anger and disbelief as Rep Brad Sherman (D-CA) claims not to know of release of Black Panther criminals
Irony: Eric Holder who refuses to prosecute black criminals wants to sue Arizona for racial profiling
Video: New Black Panther Party Leader Admits That 2008 Voter Intimidation Effort Was Coordinated From The Top Down
Video: New Black Panther Party that Obama set free hearts Osama Bin Laden
Leonard Pitts Jr: I'm going to ignore black panthers calling for death of white babies, and instead write a whole column on how hateful Mel Gibson is
Video of the Black Panther that Obama let loose: "you want freedom, you going to have to kill some crackers. You going to have to kill some of their babies"
Racism: Former Justice Department Lawyer Accuses AG Eric Holder of Dropping Black Panther Case for Racial Reasons
Obama Justice Department Drops Complaint Against Black Panthers Who Blocked Polls, Wielded Weapons - Part 2
Obama Justice Department Drops Complaint Against Black Panthers Who Blocked Polls, Wielded Weapons
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