Read: Voter are STUPID!On the 2007 budget battle that resulted in the first income tax increase since 1983:
How Granholm views MI voters
"For all of our efforts to educate voters before, during and after the budget crisis, I'm not sure how much the public learned from the ordeal.
On President Obama and the bailout of GM and Chrysler:Read: Voter are STUPID! This from the same Governor that knew that Obama didn't know what he was doing: Granholm to Obama before auto bankruptcies: "I hope you know what you're doing". In any case, committed liberals did due diligence in reviewing Granholm's book. From The Detroit Free Press: Book review: The saga of Jennifer Granholm and Dan Mulhern. It borders on sickening:
"The president had stopped a terrifying downturn in a massive and important American industrial sector. But for his actions, I don't know where we would have been. Yet even in Michigan, of all places, many people didn't seem to understand how the president's fortitude had not only saved thousands of jobs but had also helped us reclaim a competitive role for the future."
BRIAN DICKERSON: Let's get straight to the weirdest thing about this book: The cover lists two authors, but the title suggests that it's one person's story -- the governor's -- and it's told entirely in the first-person singular (I, not we). Except for the introduction, in which an unidentified, third person narrator explains that "Dan insisted that the book be written in Jennifer's voice, and she insisted that he be listed as coauthor."That's right - Superman. Without the penis and figuratively and literally without balls. More:
What are readers supposed to make of all this? Are Jennifer Granholm and Dan Mulhern the same person, like Clark Kent and Superman?
One of the things readers might expect to learn from this book is how influential Mulhern really was. Plenty of people -- jealous insiders as well as political adversaries -- have portrayed him as playing Rasputin to Granholm's Empress Alexandra, invisibly manipulating affairs of state from somewhere offstage. In her telling, he comes off more like a Yoda to her Luke Skywalker.
LAURA: "Listen to the Force!"Oh good grief already. As far as I know, Luke Skywalker kicked dad's arse without being mired in failure for 8 years. Superman was a success. Granholm was an all-out failure and the worst Governor of the new millennium. So let me wrap up, once again, with Granholm's legacy, such as it is. From Michigan Capital Confidential via The Michigan View: State of the State: Blown Away
Since she took office, Michigan has experienced:She lost jobs every single one of her 8 years in office. Selweski's highlights of Granholm's supposed redemption:
- A precipitous decline in the relative wealth of its residents. Since January 2003, Michigan's per-capita personal income rank among the states has dropped from 23rd to 37th. Our personal income is now $5,259 (13.1 percent) below the national average.
- A large decline in economic output as measured by state Gross Domestic Product, dropping from 26th at the start of the Granholm administration to 41st through 2008.
- A dramatic increase in unemployment. Michigan's unemployment rate leapt from 6.7 percent in January 2003 to 14.6 percent through December 2009. The state has had the highest unemployment rate in the nation for 46 consecutive months.
Remarkably, Michigan suffered economic decline even during the last national expansion, from 2002 through 2007.
- Record setting out-migration. The U.S. Census Bureau reports that Michigan has lost population for the last four years in a row and was only one of two states to lose population last year. More than 87,000 people migrated from the state between July 2008 and July 2009 alone. United Van Lines — a household moving company — reports that 68 percent of all its Michigan-related traffic is outbound.
* Michigan tied with Minnesota for the nation’s largest decline in unemployment from 2009 to 2010. The state also experienced the nation’s sixth-largest increase in per-capita personal income in that same year-to-year period.You know, the Detroit Lions improved from 0-16 in 2008 to a whopping 2-14 in 2009. It was percentage -wise the greatest improvement in NFL history! Fact is, when you're on the floor of the basement mired in failure, you can only improve.
n State taxes as a percentage of personal income in 2011 are $7 billion lower than they were under John Engler in 2000. The fiscal problems the state faced were magnified by one statistic: Michigan’s overall tax revenues peaked during the prosperous year of 2000 and are not expected to return to that level until 2020.They're lower because personal income in Michigan dropped by some 21% over the last decade. That's a bad thing, not a good thing.
* Michigan ranks No. 1 in the nation for job creation improvement in a recent Gallup survey of state job markets, and Gov. Rick Snyder took office with some Granholm momentum that is expected to produce 64,600 jobs in 2011.'Granholm momentum?' Good grief. I'll just quote Granholm herself from October 2009: "By next year, Michigan will have lost 1 million jobs, we need a change." And change we finally got. And finally, there is this:
While job losses were substantial, one long forgotten objective fact is that unemployment was not an overwhelming problem for much of Granholm’s governorship -- until the national recession hit in 2008.Selweski wiffs on this one too. This is what unemployment looked like up to 2009 in Michigan:
She inherited a 6.8 percent jobless rate from Engler and unemployment remained in the narrow range of 6.7 percent to 7.4 percent for her first five years in office. Not great, but Obama would kill for those kinds of numbers.
I will note that while the national economy was growing 2002-2007 and the national unemployment rate was decreasing significantly as a result, MI was mired in the Granholm failure. It's pretty bad when the media has to claim that a 7% unemployment rate is a good thing. But not letting stubborn facts stand in the way, Lemmiwinks continues his journey:
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