Minggu, 18 September 2011

Abortion clinic worker cracks jokes about her 'work'

Now this is funny!
Crack a baby's spine, then crack jokes about it. This is where pro-aborts are in this day and age, via moonbattery:
Jewels Green reminisces on her days as an abortion clinic worker:
I vividly remember the cleaning lady who quit after finding a foot in the drain of the one of the sinks in the autoclave room (where the medical instruments were cleaned and sterilized after abortions) and how we all laughed and joked about it in the staff lounge for days and weeks afterward.

When the power went out one time for hours and we were all explicitly instructed NOT to open the freezer where all of the medical waste was stored (read: dead baby parts in bio-hazard bags) but inevitably, someone did open that freezer and I will never, ever forget the stench of decaying human flesh for as long as I live — but we all laughed as we gagged and joked how at least “they” had it better in that non-functioning freezer because at least they couldn’t smell it.
Just as even unborn babies have souls, even the monsters who dismember them have a sense of humor.
This isn't just an individual thing, but is rather systemic. Local news in recent months: Not funny: Planned Parenthood host fundraiser... at comedy club! After all, what's funnier than tearing a baby apart limb from limb in the place where they are supposed to be most safe? How did this fundraiser start off? - 'But really folks, I love unborn babies... with barbecue sauce!' BA DA BING!

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