Minggu, 18 September 2011

Why is NAACP issuing strong condemnation of anti-LGBT marriage amendment?

It's almost getting tiring to continue to say this, but the liberal movement has many appendages (tentacles if you will) that purport to speak for groups that they do not actually speak for. The NAACP is one cog in the liberal machine. They purport to speak for black people, but are racist against black people that don't toe the liberal line. Black conservatives are called Uncle Toms and porch monkeys by the NAACP and their surrogates. They viciously attacked black justice Clarence Thomas when he was nominated for the supreme court. They do not represent black people, or even black liberal people, but rather the liberal movement and they simply use race to do it just like the National Organization of Women (NOW) uses gender. They wield those issues like weapons to progress the regressive liberal agenda. Case in point: NAACP issues strong condemnation of anti-LGBT marriage amendment
The North Carolina State Conference of the NAACP issued a very strong (and very long) “open letter to all North Carolinians” this morning. In it, the leaders of the venerable civil rights organization explain in great detail why the passage of an anti-LGBT marriage amendment is a lousy idea for our state.
“A vote on the same sex marriage amendment has nothing to do with your personal and religious opinion on same sex marriage but everything to do with whether or not you believe discrimination should be codified and legalized constitutionally. We should never seek to codify discrimination into the very heart and framework of our Constitution.” –Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, II
And this…
“Founded in 1909, the NAACP currently has more than 2,200 membership units across the United States with branches in every state in the nation. Our mission for 102 years has been to achieve equality of rights and eliminate prejudice among the people of the United States.  The NAACP has always opposed any custom, tradition, practice, law or constitutional amendment that denies any right to any person.The NAACP does not and has not taken a position endorsing or opposing same sex marriage. However, the NAACP has a long history of opposing any proposal that would alter the federal or state Constitutions for the purpose of excluding any group or individuals from guarantees of equal protection under the law.  Our opposition is based on our mission statement, which calls for the “equality of rights of all persons.”
I wonder if they will come out for polygamist marriage. I mean, if it's all about “equality of rights of ALL persons.” Funny for an organization that is pro-abortion - denying the rights of babies to not be deprived of life without due process (5th, 14th amendment). Funny that abortions disproportionately impact the black community, and many organizations like Planned Parenthood that the NAACP supports were founded for the express reason of eradicating minorities through abortion. Funny for an organization that supports affirmative action the discriminates against whites and Asians. Funny for an organization that purports to be for colored people when every poll shows blacks vehemently opposed to recognition of same sex marriage: 70% of African Americans backed Prop. 8, exit poll finds

A lot of Obama/Yes-on-8 voters? The Associated Press exit polls show that African Americans and Latinos backed Proposition 8 in good numbers. Details here from AP:
California's black and Latino voters, who turned out in droves for Barack Obama, also provided key support in favor of the state's same-sex marriage ban. Seven in 10 black voters backed a successful ballot measure to overturn the California Supreme Court's May decision allowing same-sex marriage, according to exit polls for The Associated Press.

More than half of Latino voters supported Proposition 8, while whites were split. Religious groups led the tightly organized campaign for the measure, and religious voters were decisive in getting it passed. Of the seven in 10 voters who described themselves as Christian, two-thirds backed the initiative. ...
The NAACP doesn't care about black people. They only care about advancing liberalism.

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