Sabtu, 24 September 2011

Bill "The Prophet" Clinton: GOD May Not Want Peace In The Middle East

Now I sure don't want to dismiss people that propagate evil in the yes of God actually hearing God in dramatic ways. Saul of Tarsus persecuted Christians before he was struck blind on the road to Damascus and would go on to be one of the greatest authors of the New Testament. Bill Clinton, however, underwent no such conversion and still fight for the 'right' to dismember babies at will. Yet he pretends now and again to be a prophet: Bill Clinton: God May Not Want Peace In The Middle East
...Clinton said this via Foreign Policy:
“The two great tragedies in modern Middle Eastern politics, which make you wonder if God wants Middle East peace or not, were [Yitzhak] Rabin’s assassination and [Ariel] Sharon’s stroke,” Clinton said.
It’s interesting that Clinton would mention the tragedy of Yitzhak Rabin’s assassination and then imply that God allowed him to be killed because he doesn’t want peace between Israel and Palestine.
Because, you know - what other explanation could there possibly be to The Zipper failing to achieve peace while in office? Recently, Presidential candidate Rick Perry was ripped by the media for mentioning God when he declared he would protect Israel. No such outrage from the MSM regarding Clinton. Via Instapundit

UPDATE: Love the caption to the pic that went along with the above piece:
"In case you were wondering, that’s not God standing in between Yitzhak Rabin and the terrorist on the right."

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