Sabtu, 24 September 2011

The 'New Civility' (Cont'd): Michael Moore Threatens Violence Against ‘Rich’

Uh um:

"The smart rich know they can only build the gate so high. And, sooner or later history proves that people, when they've had enough, aren’t going to take it anymore. And much better to deal with it nonviolently now, through the political system, than what could possibly happen in the future, which nobody wants to see."
At least his consistent with his rhetoric: Video of Michael Moore: Wealthy Americans’ Money is Not Theirs it’s ‘Ours’; ‘National Resource’, We Need to Take It From Them. But that is countered by his actions. Fact is, Moore enjoys vulgar displays of wealth, as indicative of this account from Mark Hemingway over at the Corner at NRO: Anti-Capitalist Filmmaker Enjoys Vulgar Displays of Wealth.

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