Selasa, 27 September 2011

Watering The Plants: Retired Google Millionaire That Told Obama: "Would You Please Raise My Taxes!" Is Democratic Party Donor

The big fail in this is that the guy was later outed as a plant:
From Michele Malkin: Latest Obama stage prop: Retired mega-Dem donor/former Google asks prez to raise his taxes
At a LinkedIn town hall/campaign rally forum with President Obama today, a questioner picked “randomly” from the audience just happened to beg the president to raise his taxes...

The questioner is one Doug Edwards, an early Google employee who is retired and who has given gobs and gobs of cash to the Democratic party via Tim Carney:
It seems relevant to point out that this rich liberal is Doug Edwards from the Obama-friendly and regulation-friendly Google.

Edwards has given $300,000 to politicians since 2000 — every single dime to Democrats. He specifically said he wanted his higher taxes to cover Pell Grants.
Every. Single. Dime.

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