Rabu, 28 September 2011

"If you liked Gov. Granholm's Michigan, you'll love President Obama's America"

"Jennifer Granholm was Barack Obama before Barack Obama was Barack Obama." - former MI Senate Majority leader Mike Bishop
Via Henry Payne at The Michigan View: McGurn: Granholm's bad example
As we've been reporting here at The Michigan View (and I've been reporting at National Review since 2008), Michigan has been doomed to relive Jennifer Granholm's failed Democratic Socialist experiment in Michigan via her Washington twin, Barack Obama.

Wall Street Journal columnist Bill McGurn has taken notice. He picks up on the theme in his column this week, "Granholm's Perfect Bad Example: What Governor Jennifer Granholm's Michigan tells us about President Barack Obama's America." Excerpt:
In the end, Ms. Granholm's argument is simply a form of the same economic narcissism that animates people who never lose the charming faith that they know best how to spend other people's money. In some ways, she intimates, her leadership was the precursor to hope and change. "It's remarkable how in sync we are," she quotes her communications director saying of the governor and Barack Obama.

Yes, indeed. If you liked Gov. Granholm's Michigan, you'll love President Obama's America.
That's kind of funny, because Granholm admitted on tv that the nation is going through what Michigan went through under her:
To her credit though, she didn't take the chance to criticize the current Governor Snyder (who would she be to criticize any Governor of any state?):
Full Granholm interview here (if you can stomach 30 minutes of it):

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