Rabu, 28 September 2011

Irony: Joy Behar To Morbidly Obese Michael Moore On Chris Christie: ‘Do You Think the Country Will Tolerate a Fat President?’

Michael Moore is getting so big that he's going to have smaller big people in orbit around him any day now. Which makes this exchange ironic to say the least:
What exactly is Joy Behar's BMI by the way? Moore, by the way, is bailing on hopey changey: Moore Turns On Obama; Praises Huntsman
UPDATE: It’s Official: MSNBC Thinks Chris Christie’s Weight Is Funny
Serious journalist Martin Bashir spends quite a bit of time making jokes about Chris Christie's weight on Monday's mid-day news report.
UPDATE #2: Here She Is The Joyless Behar (aka) The Liberal Yenta Talking About Krispy Kreme Christie

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