Selasa, 27 September 2011

Video: Heckler Calls Obama " The Antichrist". Pro-Infanticide Obama: "l, I, I, I, I agree Jesus Chris is the Lord. I believe in that"

Obama's not the anti-Christ, but he is anti-Christian and certainly pro-Muslim. Those are his liberal biases. But that doesn't stop him from using his fake faith to push his failed agenda. The same guy that is purging God from America 'by design', has banned prayer at military funerals, leaves "By their Creator" Out of the Declaration of Independence, that Snubs ‘In God We Trust’ as the US Motto, that made sure to thank other people in his Thanksgiving proclamation in 2009, but not Almighty God, and dropped "Year of Our Lord" from another proclamation, the same one that by executive order disallowed faith-based organizations to conduct worship services while providing social programs funded with federal money, and the same guy that defended infanticide (not abortion but the murder of crying born babies left to die in soiled linen closets) as an Illinois Senator not once but 4 times claims once again to commune with God: Obama: ‘I Do A Lot Of Praying’
And he invoked the Bible to push for amnesty for illegal aliens:
"Immigration reform is a moral imperative, and so it's worth seeking greater understanding from our faith. As it is written in the Book of Deuteronomy [10:19], 'Love ye therefore the stranger: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.' To me, that verse is a call to show empathy to our brothers and our sisters; to try and recognize ourselves in one another."And that has what to do with rewarding those that broke our laws? Since he mentioned empathy, he seems to have less than zero for unborn children, or even those that were born and left to die alone in soiled linen closets in Chicago. Since Obama used the Bible to push his radical agenda, let's not forget this: Flashback Video: Obama mocks the Bible in 2006. By his actions, Obama is a false prophet:

15"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them. - Matthew 7 (NIV)
Related posts on Obama and his (lack of) Christian faith:
Predictable: Obama Still Banning Prayers
Irony: Pro-Infanticide Obama Invokes Bible to Push Immigration Policy
Flashback Video: Obama mocks the Bible in 2006
Irony: Pro-Infanticide Obama Says ‘I Do A Lot Of Praying
Obama purging God from America 'by design'
Video: Obama Snubs ‘In God We Trust’ as US Motto
Typical: Obama Leaves "By their Creator" Out of Declaration of Independence at Hispanic Caucus Speech
Irony: Pro-Infanticide Obama Going Public With His Faith
Awww: Pro-infanticide Obama says "I pray every night, read the Bible"
MSNBC 'Journalist': "I KNOW" Pro-Infanticide Obama Looks at Taxes as Moral Issue
Irony: Pro-abort, pro 'separation of church and state' Democrats pray on steps of Capitol
Irony: Pro-infanticide Obama calls his Christian faith a ‘sustaining force’
Video: Obama’s Spiritual Advisor Jim Wallis Trashes the US in the UK
Obama is no Christian: By executive order, faith-based organizations may no longer conduct worship services while providing social programs funded with federal money
White House: Pro-abort, pro-infanticide Obama is Christian
Video of Rev. Franklin Graham: President Obama was "Born a Muslim"
Video: Pro-Abort Obama cites Bible scripture for Pro-Abort Robert Byrd: "making life better here was his only agenda." 50 million dead babies beg to differ
Obama spiritual adviser Jim Wallis' wheel is spinning, but the hamster's dead...
Obama drops "Year of Our Lord" from proclamation
Video of Obama Spiritual Advisor Jim Wallis: Social Justice, Economic Justice and ObamaCare "Are At The Heart Of The Gospel"
Video Of Obama Spiritual Advisor: Redistribution of wealth is in the Bible, the DNC platform, and Obama's budget
Obama Celebrates Halloween After Snubbing National Day Of Prayer
Obama: Gays At Easter YES! National Day Of Prayer NO!
Obama to rabbis: “We are God’s partners in matters of life and death.” Unborn not impressed.
Obama To Snub National Day Of Prayer!
Evangelical on Obama’s faith council: It’s as if he’s paying lip service to the unborn
Obama Picks Winners/Losers: Gays - Yes! Jesus - No! Part 2
Obama Picks Winners/Losers: Gays - Yes! Jesus - No!

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