Senin, 26 September 2011

Persecution: Bible Banned From Christian Café

While the bureaucrats in Britain are busy promoting radical Islam as the country teeters on the brink of societal suicide, they're not too busy to simultaneously crush the faith that made Britain a great civilization in the first place: Bible Banned From Christian Café
It’s official: Britain is no longer a free country in any meaningful sense. A private café run by Christians in Lancashire is not even allowed to display Bible verses lest they offend militant perverts who have rejected God:
Some Brits may be wondering if a totalitarian regime under Hitler in the 1940s might have been preferable to the totalitarian regime under liberalism today. 100 years ago, England was the financial center of the entire planet. Today, it's a warning against letting liberalism metastasize and rot the country from the inside out.

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