Kamis, 22 September 2011

Video: Director Ron Howard Wants To Pay More In Taxes. SO WHY DOESN'T HE???

Indeed there is a provision in the tax code for any taxpayer to send in any amount they want to the treasury earmarked for debt reduction. If these rich liberals are upset that their taxes are too low, they can increase it on themselves literally with the stroke of their own pen. Like right now. Instead they do no such thing and are content trying to tax everyone else:
We already have a minimum tax on the rich. It's called the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT), and was passed in the 60's to tax the 200 richest people in the nation. But because it's not indexed for inflation, everyone in the middle class feels it's shadow in April. Rest assured that any changes Obama proposes will eventually hit everyone. More from Don Surber. Related: Video: Solution for Warren Buffett and Matt Damon’s Concern About Low Taxes
By the way, AP FACT CHECK: Are rich taxed less than secretaries? NO!

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