Rabu, 21 September 2011

Rep Gary Peteres (D-MI): "We Need To Thank President Obama For What He Did For This Great State"

Starting at the 0:42 mark:
Um - didn't Michigan lose jobs since Obama got in? Isn't this kind of like thanking Granholm for what she did for Michigan after losing jobs every single one of her 8 years in office? Afterwards, Peters went with the usual talking points, GM would have been liquidated without the bailouts (wasn't Bush President when that got started?), which is 1) false -they would have went through bankruptcy which is not the same thing - and 2) which they did anyway but with the proverbial 800 pound government gorilla on their backs. The UAW won our. Bondholders and American taxpayers lost.

Looks like the auto bailouts must be polling well in the new district 14 that Peters is campaigning in since he bailed on district 9 that he currently serve in knowing darned well that the running against Sander Levin in the new 9 was a no win scenario. Instead, he will go up against a popular rookie: Rep. Gary Peters will challenge Rep. Hansen Clarke in new 14th District. Peters has Pontiac, Hansen Clark Detroit. I think the D will win. Not many vanilla white guys get elected in Detroit.

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