Rabu, 31 Agustus 2011

California Mountain Snake Arrested At White House

She's lucky she didn't lose an eye: Daryl Hannah Arrested at White House

How about we ban Hollywood moonbats instead?
Much-arrested Hollywood actress Daryl Hannah was taken away from the White House in restraints Tuesday afternoon.

Hannah was taking part in an ongoing protest against the unbuilt Keystone XL oil pipeline.
"Sometimes it's necessary to sacrifice your freedom for a greater freedom," Hannah said in Lafayette Park before her arrest.  "And we want to be free from the horrible death and destruction that fossil fuels cause, and have a clean energy future."

With dozens of others, Hannah sat on the sidewalk in front of the White House and refused three requests from the Park Police to move.

The group organizing the protest, Tar Sands Action, has said the Keystone pipeline -- which will stretch from Canada to the Gulf -- is among the most important environmental decisions that confront the president.
I wonder what her running carbon footprint is that includes movies with huge budgets and even bigger sets. How much fossil fuel energy went into making all of her movies? HT: memeorandum 

UPDATE: Sean Hannity Interviews Daryl Hannah After Being Arrested In DC For Civil Disobedience
UPDATE #2: Video: Ethical oil
No doubt you’ve seen coverage of environmentalist activists converging on the nation’s capital to protest a proposed oil pipeline — the Keystone XL — that would run from Canada to Texas. B-lister Mark Ruffalo even lent his considerable celebrity to the cause in this video. But a new ad asks an interesting question: Why would those enviros rather bankroll Saudi Arabia’s oppression of women than allow the pipeline to run through the United States?

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