Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011

Good Grief: Indiana College Bans “Too Violent” National Anthem

Let me just cut to the chase in this one. I have a hypothesis for why this happened. Act of patriotism only benefit conservatives and thus hurts liberalism. Liberalism is malignant in academia. Ergo, expressions of patriotism are being banned because they are threatening to liberals.

Our anti-patriotic community organizer-in-chief
Tiny Goshen College in Indiana has banned the "The Star Spangled Banner: at all sporting events because the Mennonite school's president considers the National Anthem's words to be too violent.

The 1,000-student school had already banned the words last year, but the band could still play the music for patriots in attendance. Now, the school has banned the song entirely, according to NBC Sports.

The school’s board of directors told college President Jim Brenneman to “find an alternative to playing the National Anthem that fits with sports tradition, that honors country and that resonates with Goshen College’s core values and respects the views of diverse constituencies.”

Brenneman was okay with that.
At least there was some countermoonbattery afoot:
NBC Sports' Rick Chandler weighed in, saying: "I suppose we could have followed the example of the Mennonites and simply fled, giving the nation back to the British. But then we’d all be playing cricket."
Indeed. But back to my original premise, from not long ago: Harvard Study Finds Fourth of July Celebrations Help Turn People Into Republicans. Plus this: Rush Limbaugh - America's Flag Only Boost GOP
QED? More from Hot Air and The Other McCain

UPDATE: Via moonbattery: Campus Indoctrination Goes Into Overdrive
This will be especially important when parents start balking at the idea of spending tens of thousands of dollars a year for moonbat brainwashing:
Consider the shocking account from a student trained to be a dorm supervisor — a resident adviser, or RA — at DePauw University in Indiana. One of her first duties last fall was to lead her new students through a house decorated as a “Tunnel of Oppression,” where supposedly “realistic” demonstrations in each room taught lessons such as how religious parents hate their gay children, Muslims would find no friends on a predominantly non-Muslim campus and overweight women suffer from eating disorders.

Indeed, in her training to become an RA, “We were told that ‘human’ was not a suitable identity, but that instead we were first ‘black,’ ‘white,’ or ‘Asian’; ‘male’ or ‘female’; … ‘heterosexual’ or ‘queer.’ We were forced to act like bigots and spout off stereotypes while being told that that was what we were really thinking deep down.”
If only DePauw were an exception to the rule.
At least 96 colleges across the country have run similar “tunnel of oppression” programs in the last few years.

Perhaps the most infamous re-education program was the University of Delaware’s: Every single student in the dorms endured an Orwellian “treatment” (the school’s word) program to expunge supposedly incorrect beliefs. Delaware demanded that its RAs ask intrusive questions about students’ sexual identity and write reports about their responses while lecturing students on environmentalism and telling them that “citizenship” required them to recognize that “systemic oppression exists in our society.”
Students are also required to believe that all men are rapists:
In New York, Hamilton College last fall ordered all first-year men to attend a “She Fears You” presentation, designed to get them to acknowledge their personal complicity (after just a month on campus!) in Hamilton’s “rape culture” and to change their “rape-supportive” beliefs and attitudes.
Good grief.

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