Rabu, 31 Agustus 2011

Despite evidence to the contrary, Alan Colmes repeats lie that tea party movement is racist because of 2010 DC incident that didn't happen

Liberal have glommed onto the fake, made-up, non-controversy controversy to smear, once again, the Tea Party movement and conservatives as raaaaacists. What makes this worse is that had Colmes actually done a knee-jerk piece back in March 2010, he would have had an excuse. But since then, video evidence has clearly shown that the events Colmes mentions did not happen. Then again, I am assuming Colmes actually emerges from his liberal echo chamber now and again. My assumption, however, might in fact be false.First, the lie: Alan Colmes Falsely Claims Rep. John Lewis Was Spat Upon by Tea Party

LAst I wrote about the discredited meme, it was in regards to another race-baiter: Despite evidence to the contrary, Leonard Pitts Jr repeats lie that tea party movement is racist because of DC incident that didn't happen. From his ridiculous piece that is once again picked up by the most liberal dead-wood dinosaur print media: Apologies don't excuse the rottenness within Tea Party protests

So it turns out that, contrary to what I argued in this space a few weeks back, racism is not "a major component" of the so-called Tea Party movement. I am informed of this by dozens of Tea Party activists indignant and insulted that I would even suggest such a thing.

In other news, Tea Party protesters called John Lewis a "nigger" the other day in the shadow of the U.S. Capitol.

For the record, Lewis wasn't their only target. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver was spat upon. Rep. Barney Frank, who is gay, was called "faggot."
Only problem is, none of those things happened. As I wrote back in March 2010, CNNs own video disproved the racist allegations (MSM claims DC Tea Party hurled racial slurs, CNN video disproves it). Dana Loesch observed that it started with one CNN reporter:
A CNN reporter, yes, CNN, the home of the infamous Susan Rosegen, claimed to have heard racist slurs and shouts; other bloggers picked it up. I mean, if you’re going to smear a group of people by claiming that they were shouting slurs, perhaps make sure you don’t post video that completely refutes your claim and makes you look like a race hustler. Just saying.
Here's the CNN video. Judge for yourself:
The MSM piled on faster than flies on feces:
HuffPo: Tea Party Protests: ‘Ni**er,’ ‘Faggot’ Shouted At Members Of Congress
McClatchy: Tea party protesters scream ‘nigger’ at black congressman
Yglesias: Rep Devin Nunes Endorses Racist and Homophobic Slurs
WaPo: ‘Tea party’ protesters accused of spitting on lawmaker, using slurs
Prescriptions:  Spitting and Slurs Directed at Lawmakers
TPDMC: Tea Partiers Call Lewis ‘N****r’, Frank ‘F****t’, At Capitol Hill Protest
CNN: Protesters hurl slurs and spit at Democrats 
But that wasn't the end of it. More and more videos were released from people that were there. None showed any racial epithets whatsoever. More than that thought was that Lewis' entourage included Jesse Jackson Jr who FILMED THE WHOLE THING! Check out this pic of Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr:
That's a flip-type camcorder that he was holding the entire way. Picked up nada as far as racist epithets go. Zip. Zero. Zilch. Came up empty. Don't got it. This the MSM doesn't get. Not only were there no racial epithets, there was no spitting either. From Dan Riehl: Video Seems To Confirm No Spitting On Congressman
Surely Colmes cannot possibly be oblivious to all the evidence against the meat of his narrative, could he? Well, as it urns out, he is oblivious. And don't call him Shirley.

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