Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011

Ron Reagan Jr: Global Warming Skepticism like Believing Moon Made of Cheese or Somthing

Never mind the actual scientific data that indicates the Earth is cooling, not warming (via moonbattery):
And never mind the brazen scientific fraud that was revealed through the ClimteGate emails:  Video: Berkeley Professor Richard Muller Explains "Trick" to "Hide The Decline" in ClimateGate Scandal
So why do liberals continue to insist on what the majority of people know to be a hoax? One word: socialism. Forming a one-world government under the pretense that they are saving the planet is akin to the ring of power to Sauron in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. They simply cannot resist the temptation as there is nothing else on the horizon to give them this excuse. Instead of arguing facts (which they can't), they have turned to petty insults and mocking as their last refuge. Ergo: NBC News’ Reagan Jr Compares Global Warming Skepticism with Believing Moon Made of Cheese
Sitting in for vacationing Chris Matthews, Ron Reagan Jr. attacked Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann for holding views on the global warming theory that are different than his.
Whatever warming we are experiencing now, it is nothing historically unusual as in the past the temperature variations have been much larger than the current trend over the last century or so:

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