Senin, 29 Agustus 2011

Wisconsin: “Labor Day parade organizers confirm that no Republicans will be allowed to participate in this year’s Labor Day Parade”

That 'new tone' that liberals demanded of conservatives after the Giffords shooting in January has manifested itself in actions from the left as well as words. From Ann Althouse via Instapundit: “Labor Day parade organizers confirm that no Republicans will be allowed to participate in this year’s Labor Day Parade.” Check this out:
"[Marathon County Labor Council] president Randy Radtke says they choose not to invite elected officials who have 'openly attacked worker's rights' or did nothing when state public workers lost most of their right to collectively bargain."

From Congressman Sean Duffy's chief of staff: "Having walked in this parade in past years, Congressman Duffy was hoping that for a moment, we could set our differences aside and simply have some fun in a family-friendly event."
Also from Althouse via Insty: 18 seconds of raw class warfare
The money quote:
"It's coming! Get ready! All you fucking tea-party-baggers. It's coming. Get ready."
The 'new civility,' front and center.

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