Senin, 29 Agustus 2011

RINO Colin Powell Off of Hopeium, Not Yet Decided on Supporting Obama Re-Election in 2012. Wants to see his Skin Color Next Year First

Colin cancer: the disease known as liberalism once it spreads to those that would call themselves Republicans and metastasizes
What exactly did Powell think was going to happen when he supported the most radical liberal candidate for the Office of the President on the history of the United States in 2008? Fiscal responsibility? Reining in of spending? Entitlement reform? The fact that he supported Obama because of his skin color makes him a racist as much as a moron. Which is interesting since he's not coming out in support of hopey changey for next year. Via memeorandumPowell Not Sold on Obama in '12
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell, who famously crossed party lines to vote for President Obama in 2008, said today that he’s not necessarily supporting the president for reelection in 2012.

“I haven’t decided who I’m going to vote for,” Powell said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.” “Just as was the case in 2008, I am going to watch the campaign unfold. In the course of my life I have voted for Democrats, I have voted for Republicans, I have changed from one four-year cycle to another.

“I’ve always felt it my responsibility as a citizen to take a look at the issues, examine the candidates, and pick the person that I think is best qualified for the office of the president in that year. And not just solely on the basis of party affiliation,” he said.
But solely on the basis of race is AOK.After all, what qualifications of Obama could Powell possibly put up as worthy of a vote? And one over Mr. Moderate and fellow RINO John McCain. More from Michelle Malkin and Scared Monkeys. Lastly, the video of the racist RINO:
Irony: Obama supporter Colin Powell says deficit poses national security threat

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