Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011

Of Course! Obama Orders New Plan to 'Diversify' Federal Workforce - aka Whites Need Not Apply

As usual, this is being done by executive fiat via an unconstitutional executive order that directly contradicts the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment to the US Constitution. Via Free Republic via Gateway Pundit:
President Barack Obama signed an executive order Thursday directing federal officials to design a government-wide strategy for making the federal workforce more diverse.
By 'more diverse' of course, he means more black (Proof #2,749 that ‘diversity’ is just a code word for ‘black’).
The three-page order directs the head of the Office of Personnel Management, a deputy director at the Office of Management and Budget, the President’s Management Council and the chairman of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to develop the strategy within 90 days. Agencies then have 120 days to work the plan into their hiring and recruiting.

An Office of Personnel Management report says that in fiscal year 2010, the federal workforce was 66.2 percent white, 17.7 percent black, 8 percent Hispanic, 5.6 percent Asian/Pacific Islander and 1.8 percent Native American. It was 56.1 percent male.
You know why the above numbers already show diversity? Because they are irrelevant. Each of those people working for the feds is a unique individual. And why by the way focus on skin pigmentation as as proxy for diversity. I have an idea - how about we hire a lot more conservatives since the feds are chock full of liberals?  More from The Washington Times: EDITORIAL: Obama: Whites need not apply

...The executive order says the federal government “must create a culture that encourages collaboration, flexibility and fairness to enable individuals to participate to their full potential.” In the name of “fairness,” however, the government will intensify programs that discriminate against white Americans by extending special privileges to everyone else. The order also says that “attaining a diverse, qualified workforce is one of the cornerstones of the merit-based civil service,” though merit and ability are not the metrics of choice when measuring success in diversity-driven career programs.

The order states that by law, the federal government’s recruitment policies should “endeavor to achieve a workforce from all segments of society” and that “as the nation’s largest employer, the federal government has a special obligation to lead by example.” In that respect, the government could largely declare mission accomplished. A quick look at the demographic breakdown of the federal payroll shows that “diversity” goals have been more than met. According to the Office of Personnel Management, federal employees in fiscal 2010 were 66.2 percent white, 17.7 percent black, 8 percent Hispanic, 5.6 percent Asian and Pacific Islander and 1.8 percent American Indian. Compared to the general U.S. population, the federal force is a bit too diverse. Blacks are overrepresented by 6.9 percent compared to the civilian work force, Asians and Pacific Islanders by 1.2 percent, and American Indians are more than double their proportion of the population at large. White Americans, who make up about 70 percent of the work force, are underrepresented by around 4 percent. Hispanics are also underrepresented despite the Clinton-era executive order 13171, “Hispanic Employment in the Federal Government.”
Funny that in 2008 Obama ran as a post racial President, only to write an executive order explicitly forbidding that very notion in government hiring.

UPDATE: A flashback that would be called racist if it were done by a white man: Obama's Selective Phony Accents
I don't understand first off, why he does it, secondly, why Black Americans aren't outraged and insulted at his attempted pandering. I know it's disgusting for me to listen to, because it's so blatantly obvious he's trying to convince his audience that he's exactly like them. But the truth is...he's not! Then listen to him speak to a room full of White Americans, and magically...the accent is gone! Insulting!
UPDATE #2: From my assertion earlier that diversity means black: The Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport gives NBA - 77% black, 18% white - A+ for diversity!

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